Desire is the lung infection that because inhaling the germs from the mouth and nose with air, which is dust, harmful gases and microorganisms. Aspiration pneumonia generally occurs when toxins are present in the gastrointestinal tract rise in respiratory vomiting. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause this problem. Once the sprouts penetrate into the lungs, alveolar sacs are responsible for the absorption of oxygen from inhaled air filled with fluid and stop working smoothly, leading to symptoms such as
and wheezing. Other initial symptoms of this disease are runny nose or throat, causing slight irritation, and that gradually leads to symptoms like acute chest pain, high fever and >> << and shallow breathing. The patient may sweat profusely and even suffer from convulsions and delirium. When both lungs infected, the patient's condition can be dangerous. Although the immediate cause of the responsibility for
aspiration pneumonia is bacterial or viral infection, the main reason is mainly malnutrition and imbalance and malfunction lifestyle. The most common ways to diagnose this condition to make abnormal sputum or blood test and MRI scan and x-rays. If
aspiration pneumonia, bronchoscopy suction is also used to collect sputum samples for testing. There are some basic steps that you should follow in order to prevent the disease. You should avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks because they tend to dehydration, which makes the mucus thick and suitable for breeding germs. You should also quit smoking and stay away from refined, spicy and sweet snacks, they act as irritants and can cause pneumonia. Herbal tea boiled fenugreek seeds teaspoon in a glass of water for 5 minutes and should be consumed four times a day to naturally expel toxins and germs from the body, and thereby reduces body temperature, causing sweating. The natural way to ease chest pain is massage the area around the chest with a small amount of turpentine oil or hide the field with a strattera dosing soft towel before bedtime. A diet that consists only of fruit juices may be taken during the first few days of infection in order to cleanse the body from germs and toxins and thereby prevent degradation of p. .
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